Friday, June 12, 2015

First Harvest and First Market Day of 2015

So...only a week late on this; but as we were getting ready for tomorrow's Farmer's Market I realized I had not posted anything from last week! So here is our first major harvest from the garden, and our very first time setting up at the Downtown Richmond Farmers Market.

 Early sweet corn missed the memo - not supposed to tossel and start having ears when you're only waist high! (Waist high to me, and I'm 5'1".)

 Mustard greens

 Bok choi

Normal corn


Almost new potato time!

Sugar Snap Peas. Mmmmm. If we had known what a hit these would turn out to be we would have planted a whole field of them!

Our booth at the market and a delicious lunch courtesy The Epic Cure.

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