Saturday, April 18, 2015

New Hens on the Block

CRAZY BUSY day, and of course everything that could go wrong went wrong (road detours, dead truck batteries), but in the end all is well and looking back it was awesome! We made a trip to the nearby town of Waco to pick up 8 new hens for our flock! We have 4 Golden Comets (cross between a White Leghorn and a Rhode Island Red) and 4 Red Productions (cross between a Rhode Island Red and a New Hampshire Red). We also cleaned out the coop, did a little rearranging and added some new nest boxes for the girls. We're tired, but it's great to relax on the front porch and watch the little guys explore their new home.

They did surprisingly well on the car ride; they were quiet, taking it all in, a few even lay down and went to sleep!

                                                       Home Sweet Home

 Getting to know the new arrivals, everyone seemed to get along just fine.

The ones closer to the front of this picture with the white tail feathers are the Golden Comets, and the ones further back that are dark red are the Red Productions.

Golden Comets are the SWEETEST chickens! None of the new gals are really nervous or skittish, they will walk up to you and you can pet them and pick them up like little pets!

Tightening up the fence a little.

 Frosty made sure they all knew who ruled the roost.

Who knew straw was so fascinating? Had to keep running them off so we could put it in the coop!

 Clean coop with fresh straw and new nest boxes.

Someone didn't want anything to do with the nest boxes and made her own space in the corner!

Happy in their new home.

 Bedtime. Goodnight! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

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