Thursday, March 5, 2015

In Like A Lion

 According to the calendar it's March, but you can't tell it from looking outside! Thankfully we have some little green seedlings popping up to remind us spring is just around the corner, and hopefully March will oblige and go out like a lamb! 

Outside right now..

Seedlings! A welcome hint of things to come.   
Pictured are lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and statice.

Day 2 After Planting 

Monitoring soil temperature to make sure the little guys have a nice warm bed to grow in.

Day 4 After Planting

Day 5 After Planting

Still no word from the peppers and eggplant, but they do tend to be a little late to this particular party. Hopefully they will make their grand entrance soon.

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