Saturday, January 23, 2016

Coming Soon: More Baby Booplesnoots!

Someone is showing signs of nesting this morning!

Snowmaggendon 2016

Because there are no snow days on the farm!

Happy 2016!

So I know I was going on about how I was going to post more and blah blah blah - clearly that didn't happen. I blame our lack of home Internet - yep, it's 2016, we can be on Main St.  in 5 minutes from our house, and still our only Internet options are slow, expensive satellite with a data cap. Hence I'm blogging from my phone. It's a little cumbersome, but all my pictures are on here anyways ;)

So a quick recap:

We went in halves with Brandon's great uncle and bought a Billy to share between farms and breed our girls. He was a bottle baby and the sweetest thing ever!  Hoping for baby goats in April!

Scout had her first (surviving) litter of baby buns!

Brandon and his dad got electricity run out to the barn a couple weeks ago. It has been a life saver as temps have been frigid; we were having to break the water in the trough with a hammer, but now it's all fancy and heated! They also built a nice little pen for the goatlies.

And, of course, much creature shenanigans.!

(Don't mind the stick on Daisy's horns - someone keeps getting her head stuck in the fence :( Brandon took it off yesterday, so as long as she stays on good behavior we can leave it off)