Sunday, May 31, 2015

Cultivating the Corn and a Few Veggie Pics

Zephyr Squash



Strawberry Jam

We visited our friends at Marcum Farms in Waco over the Memorial Day weekend, and brought home gallons of sweet strawberries! After distributing a good portion of them around the family, we had about 2 1/2 gallons left, and on Wednesday night we decided we needed to do something with these beauties, so jam it was!

My mother in law was smart and made freezer jam. We used the water bath canner for ours - we made four batches - that is A LOT of waiting for water to boil! It was 12:30 am when we finally were finished and collapsed into bed.

But aren't they beautiful? 45 jars in all.

On a side note; our hearts go out to the poor girl who laid this egg. It's the biggest one any of us had ever seen; I can't even close the carton around it!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

We took advantage of the gorgeous weather last night to get some work done in the garden. We replanted some peppers and cucumber that didn't survive the first round. Brandon also cleared out the weeds from my carrots :) Earlier in the day they had repaired the bush hog; good thing too, the field was getting a little out of hand!

PopPop showing everyone how it's done.

Getting the rows ready for planting.

 Carefully removing the weeds from the carrots.

Admiring the plants; they are looking quite nice after the morning rain. 


Potatoes are up!

Mmmm...sugar snap peas.





Red leaf and butterhead lettuce


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Strawberry Festival

This past weekend was the Strawberry Festival at our Farmer's Market. Although we didn't have anything ready to sell, we volunteered to help out and worked with the kid's game station. It was a blast! Games included: bean bag toss, pin the leaf on the strawberry, 'water the garden' 'find the strawberry', and throwing corks to knock down a tower of glasses. All of it culminated in a pinata!
Everyone seemed to have a great time, and the market was hopping! Our friends at Marcum Farms sold out of strawberries within the first hour; people were in line the minute the market opened! 
The market also boasted many artisan booths, a strawberry recipe contest, an art station where the kiddos could paint a 'strawberry', and pony rides! Couldn't have asked for a better morning.

 Games Station

"Water the Garden"

"Find the Strawberry"


Art station

Vendor Booths

 Brandon's Lovely Strawberry Rose

Coming Soon: Tomato Festival! Make sure you come check it out!