Sunday, October 25, 2015

Fort Booplesnoot

Recently I came across a post (Buzzfeed most likely) of 'what animal's names should be', and rabbits were labeled as 'booplesnoots.' It is quite fitting, and so now we refer to our bun buns and booplesnoots. 'Cause we're cool like that. 

This weekend my awesome hubby, with the help of his father and brother (and photography and supervision by me) built a wonderful new hutch for our sweet booplesnoots. It has separate compartments for our doe and buck, and a compartment for the new lady we will be getting this coming Saturday, with room for litters of baby buns! (P.S. - we plan to eat them, so ... yeah. Just fair warning.)

The hutch is solid and sturdy, very weather proof, easy access from a swinging roof, and best of all, has a clean, efficient method of waste removal. The bottom of the hutch is mostly open woven wire, with a nice resting board for each bun in their compartments. This allows the waste to fall through, onto a slanted length of tin running under the hutch. The tin slants down to the ground, and the waste rolls right away! (And what doesn't roll right away is easily swept/washed off!)

Pumpkin Festival

This past Saturday was the Pumpkin Festival at the Downtown Richmond Farmer's Market! It was a fabulous time full of games, inflatables, pony rides, face painting, balloon art, clowning, and lots of yummy pumpkin treats and cool pumpkin crafts! (I also scored a recipe for some fabulous pumpkin soup, I see this in my immediate future as our forecast is cool and rainy!)

This will be our last market day for the year, as we are all but sold out (not a bad problem to have!)
It's bittersweet, as we enjoy the market and our market family, but are not overly upset at getting to sleep past o-dark thirty on Saturdays!

Who knows, now I may actually have time to update this blog regularly!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Happy Fall From Single Tree Farms!

We <3 fall. It's our favorite :)
Happy fall ya'll!

RIP Frosty

Our sweet Frosty boy passed away on  Labor Day. RIP Frosty. You will be missed by us and your hen harem.

Decorating the Paddy Wagon Irish Pub - First Farm Delivery :)

We made our first farm delivery a few weeks ago. We harvested all of our pumpkins and gourds in an attempt to save them from pillaging creatures (I'm looking at you, crows.) The gentleman who owns the Paddy Wagon Irish Pub here in town stops by the booth at the market regularly, and he asked if we would be interested in selling him some fall decor. Of course we were excited, and we made it a bit of a family event and helped set it up for him!