Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Happy Fall From Single Tree Farms!

We <3 fall. It's our favorite :)
Happy fall ya'll!

RIP Frosty

Our sweet Frosty boy passed away on  Labor Day. RIP Frosty. You will be missed by us and your hen harem.

Decorating the Paddy Wagon Irish Pub - First Farm Delivery :)

We made our first farm delivery a few weeks ago. We harvested all of our pumpkins and gourds in an attempt to save them from pillaging creatures (I'm looking at you, crows.) The gentleman who owns the Paddy Wagon Irish Pub here in town stops by the booth at the market regularly, and he asked if we would be interested in selling him some fall decor. Of course we were excited, and we made it a bit of a family event and helped set it up for him!

Kid's Fest

A few weeks ago we had Kid's Fest at the Downtown Richmond Farmer's Market! Even though it was chilly and cloudy, everyone had a blast!

I actually walked up and petted this horse. For those who don't know me, this is a big step.

Our booth! And my sweet husband :) 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Playing Catch Up

Sorry for the over long absence from the blog world - summer on a farm is crazy! Things have slowed down a good bit, so let's take some time and catch up on the past couple of wonderful, hectic months.

We brought home 13 new girls and experimented with free ranging ... which is not going so well as they keep escaping! 

Baby goats are growing right up, and getting friendlier and more gentle by the day.

And ornery and rotten, but hey ... they're pretty cute.  

The garden is dying back, but the pumpkins and cushaws have done fabulously - we picked all of them to save them from the creatures who were snacking on them, and are letting them finish ripening in the sun on a wagon. Seeing the wagon makes us so happy -we LOVE fall!

We have been enjoying our time at the Farmer's Market - it's a really great place full of awesome people who feel like a second family.

Life is good on the farm. We'll check back in soon!