Saturday, February 28, 2015


This year we are really getting into seed starting to try to have everything ready as early as possible for the market. There is a 'greenhouse' for lack of a better term set up in our basement. Next year we hope to build an actual greenhouse.

Now we just need to get going and get the little guys in their trays!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Welcome to Our Farm!

Welcome to Single Tree Farms! We are located in Madison County in central Kentucky. We are working to keep the family farming tradition alive. Our current operation involves mainly growing vegetables, and we are looking to expand into chickens, cattle, and maybe other livestock as well (like an alpaca or two!). Things are a little slow right now as we are waiting out the last of winter, but we would love for you to share in our farming journey as we move into the busy spring season, so please check back with us soon! For now, here are a few pictures from the past few years to enjoy! Thank you for visiting our blog :)